On this page, I unfold a story with a touch of humor and lots of bytes.

Hi There! 👋
Welcome to my corner of the internet where every line of code, every 3D printed layer, and every gym rep is a brushstroke on the canvas of creation. By trade, I’m a software engineer, but really, I’m a perpetual learner; a builder; a problem solver; a creator; a thinker; and a tinkerer in the grand workshop of life.
Bit By Bit: The Journey & The Camels
Born and raised on the the Egyptian Nile, I come from a middle-class family that did its best to allow me to do the things I do today. I started coding at 7. Basic HTML site with a flashy mouse pointer and glitters everywhere. At 12 I wrote my first server-sided application to host my private MMORPG server of a very popular game.
The Rise Of a Cyber Mogul’s Prodigy 🤔
This MMORPG server was written in C++, and it ran on my Pentium 4 desktop, which had 256KB of ram, and needed a VPN network for connections to go through as I did not have a static IP address. If I remember correctly, the VPN name was Hamachi. At peak times I used to limit the number of players on the server to ~30, otherwise my PC would get the Blue Screen of Death. At some point I wrote a script to remove players, send warnings, etc, using a queue during peak time.
I distributed the game at local internet cafés where people typically played on the official servers. But my version offered something unique—easier award systems, quicker leveling up, more PvP events scheduled around local time, premium gears, Game Master privileges, and Player Master statuses. Players on the server started asking me if they could pay for these things to get them quicker, so I put a price tag on some of them.
Funny enough, the server attracted most of its players from an area ~160 miles away from where I lived, so most of my “sales” came in the form of prepaid phone credit. The server was online for only a few months, but I made enough prepaid phone credit to cover me for the next 4 years. Talk about feeling like a tech tycoon at 12.
Going International
I completed my high school education in the Netherlands, where I not only pursued an International Baccalaureate degree but also managed to crowdfund $50,000 USD to bridge the gap left by a partial scholarship. Following this, I was awarded a full scholarship to Luther College in Decorah, IA, where I earned my BAs in Computer Science and Data Science. I have held several positions over the years, I am Ex-Mayo Clinic, Trimble, Fed. HLBDM, and CloudInn, and currently I am on an adventure to my next big thing. 😉😉
In The Digital Realm
My work isn’t just about writing code; it’s about crafting solutions that push the boundaries of what’s possible in technology. The essence of software is crafting something of value, giving people a tool that enhances their daily lives, and doing that with the least amount of friction possible. My approach is product-centric focusing on designing excellent scalable systems.
On the day-to-day basis, my days are mostly a whirlwind of coding, often wrestling with AI models to do my bidding (sometimes they cooperate, sometimes they don’t, but it’s always an adventure), and solving data puzzles to uncover hidden patterns. While I’m deeply focused on the wizardry that is software engineering, my passion also spills over into the physical world where I self-host my own infrastructure because, why not control the cloud from your living room?
Building Beyond the Binary
In the physical world my home lab might just be the next tech startup incubator, or at least, that’s what I tell myself as it slowly conquers my living space (yes, I get the eye-rolls, but deep down, I know everyone loves it). When I’m not buried in lines of code or training models, you’ll find me in my home lab, tinkering with 3D printers, upgrading a server, conjuring up hardware projects, or playing network wizard with my clusters.
AI & Iron: A Personal Odyssey
My life is an odyssey of merging the digital with the physical. I see parallels between training neural networks and training my body. Both require discipline, patience, and a willingness to adapt and learn. This journey has taught me the value of resilience, not just in AI algorithms but in personal growth. Every rep in the gym, every line of code, every piece of data analyzed is a step towards becoming a better version of myself. I sincerely believe that true excellence starts from health, and I treat physical fitness with the same enthusiasm as my projects, and then some.
Pages and Pause
I have two types of downtime. One is where I pull out any book that catches my eye from my collection, leaf through it randomly, stopping when something grabs my attention, and then I settle in to read. The other involves savoring a cup of coffee, a ritual that serves as my quiet time for reflection, where I contemplate life and things, dream up new projects, or simply enjoy the moment.
Code, Create, and Conquer
This website is more than a portfolio; I intend for it to be a showcase of my journey. For all intents and purposes, this will be my digital journal where I dive into technology, artificial intelligence, hardware, and growth, among other things; offering readers a glimpse into my thoughts and discoveries. Adjacent to this, I intend to have a projects section that will act as a virtual gallery, showcasing an array of my endeavors from intricate software solutions and advanced AI models to creative 3D printing projects, with each piece narrating its own tale of innovation.
Thank you for visiting. Here’s to coding, lifting, learning, and everything in between. The future is ours to take, let’s build and achieve great things.
“A man who views the world the same at 50 as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life.” ― Muhammad Ali
P.S. 🐫🐫🐫
Oh, and yes, I’ve never actually ridden a camel, but I’ve gotten close enough to smell their less-than-fragrant breath and decide it wasn’t worth it. Contrary to popular belief—based solely on my highly unscientific observations and experiences—there are actually quite a few cars in Egypt. Who knew the pyramids had such great parking?