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Chronicles of a Perpetual Learner

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  • All In — Stop Caring & Play The Game

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    2 Minutes

    Playing The Game Is The Only Way To Win

    The truth is, it does not matter. I came to realize about a year ago that not a single thing I have achieved in life or done to completion was ever for a prize or a reward, and somehow these were the most fulfilling and the highest rewarding things. When I stopped caring and trusted my instincts, I won.

    Life is a game. They always say that children’s curiosity is such an amazing thing, and in my opinion, it is more about them totally not caring about a single thing. Of course, that comes from a place of safety, as to having supportive and caring parents, nevertheless, the hypothesis holds.

    With high stakes in life, you cannot always be risk-averse; however, when you have done your homework, and you know the underlying logic is valid thus the risk might be highly rewarding, you just have to override your brain’s defaults.

    Life is a game. I like playing the game. I have always liked to play the game. I enjoy nothing in life than participating in it like a game. I am privileged to have been able to see it as a game. And the only way to honor that is by not letting my brain scare me away and to keep playing the game and winning.

    So, 42 days until product launch!