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Osman's Odyssey: Byte & Build
Chronicles of a Perpetual Learner
Building Things, Breaking Stuff, and Learning for Fun, Since the ’90s
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Welcome, friend

Hey there! 👋 I’m Ahmad, a Software Engineer with a background in Machine Learning, currently focused on Gen. AI and Large Language Models. My academic background includes a BA in Computer Science and Data Science, and my professional journey has taken me through innovative environments. I’m a builder at heart, whether it’s hacking an MVP together over the weekend, designing large-scale distributed systems, setting up complex home labs and network architecture, solving intricate data puzzles, or exploring the frontiers of 3D printing. When I’m not coding or tinkering with tech, you’ll find me reading a book, lifting at the gym, or drinking a cup of coffee while contemplating life and things.

Why am I here? To share this exhilarating journey of Code & Steel with you. Whether you’re here to talk Gen. AI/LLMs and Coding, explore my hardware setups, discuss the intricacies of machine learning, or share a laugh over the latest DIY disaster, I hope you leave here having learned something new.

Feel free to check out my about page , read my blogposts, and get in touch via any of the social links provided below. Welcome to my world of code, creation, and continuous learning.